Your ultimate hail safety guide
Of the many types of weather that threaten the safety of your home and car, a hailstorm may be the most significant. Hail, tiny balls of ice produced in heavy thunderstorms and ranging in size from that of a pea to a golf ball, can cause considerable damage to property once it falls from the sky. Insurance losses related to hail number billions of dollars each year, and major hailstorms in the U.S. total thousands. According to the NOAA Severe Storms database, there were over 4,600 hailstorms in the U.S. in 2020. To your home, hail can damage anything from siding, roof, gutters, and windows to fencing and lawn furniture.…
6 ways to save on a car as a recent college grad
After more than a decade of schooling, it’s finally here: your college graduation. It’s a day many students dream of, signaling the end of homework, exams, and early-morning classes. It’s now time to enter the so-called real world and get to work. In 2021, that might sound easier said than done. After a global pandemic shut down the world for over a year, a recent college grad may not be hopeful about the job market, but things are looking up. According to the New York Times, the average monthly employment gain in March-May 2021 was around 540,000 positions, and economists expect that hiring will pick up even more in the…